Black Cats Tarot - Gatti Neri
Shuljateva Maria Vladimirovna
Lo Scarabeo
Year of Issue
Instructions Language
EN - IT - FR - DE - ES
Limited Edition
Cards number
cm. 12 x 6.6
gr. 240
List price
25.00 EUR
23.00 EUR
Tarocchi, Tarots
Culturali, Cultural
l Tarocchi dei Gatti Neri sono una piccola magia che segue la struttura dei Tarocchi tradizionali. Grazie alle illustrazioni e alla ricerca della mistica russa Shuljateva Maria Vladimirovna, i gatti neri si muovono tra mondi diversi, quello della fantasia e quello della realtà, quello della spiritualità e quello della praticità, quello della psicologia e quello della magia. Sono una guida e una fonte di ispirazione nello stesso tempo originale e familiare.
The Black Cats are charming magic and insight that follows in the structure of traditional Tarot. The illustrations of the Russian mystic Shuljateva Maria Vladimirovna convey the soft padding of the black cats as they move between opposite worlds, that of fantasy and that of reality, that of spirituality and that of practicality, that of psychology and that of magic. They are a guide and a source of inspiration and are, at the same time, original and familiar.
Immagini & Testo - Copyright © 2013 Lo Scarabeo.
The Black Cats are charming magic and insight that follows in the structure of traditional Tarot. The illustrations of the Russian mystic Shuljateva Maria Vladimirovna convey the soft padding of the black cats as they move between opposite worlds, that of fantasy and that of reality, that of spirituality and that of practicality, that of psychology and that of magic. They are a guide and a source of inspiration and are, at the same time, original and familiar.
Immagini & Testo - Copyright © 2013 Lo Scarabeo.