TV Series Tarot
Gero Giglio - Davide Corsi
Lo Scarabeo
Year of Issue
Instructions Language
IT - EN - FR - ES - PT
Limited Edition
Cards number
cm. 11,8 x 6,5
gr. 243
List price
25.00 EUR
22.00 EUR
Tarocchi, Tarots
Ultimi Arrivi, New Releases
Culturali, Cultural
La nostra immaginazione si nutre anche di innumerevoli serie televisive. In questo mazzo, ogni carta è ispirata ad una differente serie. Riuscirete a individuarle tutte? Sarete d’accordo con la scelta degli autori? Lo sceneggiatore televisivo Gero Giglio e l’appassionato di serie televisive e artista dei Tarocchi Davide Corsi hanno creato un mazzo che gioca con gli archetipi dei tarocchi e l’immaginario televisivo.
Countless TV series dot the screen of our imagination. Maybe, but just maybe, someone has seen them all. In this deck, each card portrays a different TV series. Will you catch the hint? Will you discover the riddle? Will you say "Oh great" or will you have a different idea for matching a TV series with an Arcana? The deck is a work of art by TV scriptwriter Gero Giglio and TV series lover and Tarot artist Davide Corsi. Together they play with Tarot archetypes and the TV screen imaginarium.
Immagini & Testo - Copyright © 2018 Lo Scarabeo.
Countless TV series dot the screen of our imagination. Maybe, but just maybe, someone has seen them all. In this deck, each card portrays a different TV series. Will you catch the hint? Will you discover the riddle? Will you say "Oh great" or will you have a different idea for matching a TV series with an Arcana? The deck is a work of art by TV scriptwriter Gero Giglio and TV series lover and Tarot artist Davide Corsi. Together they play with Tarot archetypes and the TV screen imaginarium.
Immagini & Testo - Copyright © 2018 Lo Scarabeo.