Viceversa Tarot
Massimiliano Filadoro - Davide Corsi
Lo Scarabeo
Year of Issue
Instructions Language
EN - IT - FR - DE - ES
Limited Edition
Cards number
cm. 12 x 6.6
gr. 243
List price
25.00 EUR
23.00 EUR
Tarocchi, Tarots
Esoterici, Esoteric
I Tarocchi di Viceversa hanno entrambi i lati illustrati. Uno mostra l'immagine vista frontalmente, l'altro ci rivela la stessa immagine vista dal retro. Come due facce di un concetto, o di una moneta, i Tarocchi Viceversa ci presentano i simboli dei Tarocchi in una tridimensionalità e immediatezza mai viste e di grande potenza visiva e divinatoria. Le illustrazioni di Davide Corsi (Gost Tarot, Tarocchi dei Vampiri della Notte Eterna) mettono in luce le connessioni di significato - create da Massimiliano Filadoro - tra fronte e il retro di ogni carta, rendendo questo un mazzo che non può mancare nella collezione degli studiosi di Tarocchi così come in quella di chi desidera un mazzo innovativo per la lettura intuitiva.
The Vice Versa Tarot is a double-sided deck. Every card has artwork on both sided, one showing the card on its front and one showing the card from the back.
Like two faces of a concept or two sides of a coin, the Vice Versa Tarot expresses the meaning and symbols of each Arcana not as a snapshot paralyzed in time, but as a three-dimensional whole, flowing from day to night, from action to understanding... from front to back. Artwork by Davide Corsi (Ghost, Vampire of the Eternal Night Tarot).
Italian scholar Massimiliano Filadoro weaved the symbols between the front and the back, creating a full range of support for intuitive reading and Tarot study.
Immagini & Testo - Copyright © 2017 Lo Scarabeo
The Vice Versa Tarot is a double-sided deck. Every card has artwork on both sided, one showing the card on its front and one showing the card from the back.
Like two faces of a concept or two sides of a coin, the Vice Versa Tarot expresses the meaning and symbols of each Arcana not as a snapshot paralyzed in time, but as a three-dimensional whole, flowing from day to night, from action to understanding... from front to back. Artwork by Davide Corsi (Ghost, Vampire of the Eternal Night Tarot).
Italian scholar Massimiliano Filadoro weaved the symbols between the front and the back, creating a full range of support for intuitive reading and Tarot study.
Immagini & Testo - Copyright © 2017 Lo Scarabeo