MAGDALA The Sacred Prostitute Oracle
Fabyana Gaya
Ed. Multifoco
Year of Issue
Instructions Language
English - Portuguese
Cards number
44 + 136 pag. -book English/portuguese
cm 13 X 8
circa 0,300 gr
44.00 EUR
Tarocchi, Tarots
Oracoli e Sibille, Oracles and Sibyls
oracoli “La Sacra Prostituta” è un mazzo che ci guida nell’energia sacra della sessualità.
Messaggi pescando solo una carta a stese più complesse. Formato da 44 carte, organizzate per temi, con 7 dee principali, 4 portali, 11 carte qualità del sacro femminile, 11 carte delle azioni del sacro Maschile e 11 l'unione sacra. Allineate a tali energie sacre della sessualità, le carte si trasformano in uno strumento guida per dare consigli e messaggi in quel dato momento.
44 carte + Libro solo in Inglese Portoghese
This oracle is an inspiration, creativity and divine connection jewel, spreading ecstatic love through its 44 cards.
The cards are divided into specific groups. Within 4 main portals (Golden cards), 7 Feminine Goddess Energies open the path (Black cards).
Originating from this primordial cosmic womb, we find three sets of cards - 11 for the Sacred Feminine (Red Cards), 11 for the Sacred Masculine (White Cards) and 11 for the Sacred Union (Pink Cards).
The Sacred Feminine cards represent qualities of being, and they respond to the question: how is the moment asking me to be?
The Sacred Masculine Cards represent actions, answering the inquiry: what is the moment asking me to do?
The Sacred Union cards come as a sacred union purpose: what direction objective\ sacred child is the universe and my heart calling me to?
As a Sacred Sexuality Oracle, it is intended to be a SENSEFUL deck. In honor of the Sacred Prostitute ar-chetype, the 7 Goddess cards will bring, apart from the illustration (vision), a suggestion of essential oil (smell), of crystal (touch), of food (taste) and of music (hearing) for you to ritualize with them and feel their power.
44 cards+ Book English/Portuguese
Messaggi pescando solo una carta a stese più complesse. Formato da 44 carte, organizzate per temi, con 7 dee principali, 4 portali, 11 carte qualità del sacro femminile, 11 carte delle azioni del sacro Maschile e 11 l'unione sacra. Allineate a tali energie sacre della sessualità, le carte si trasformano in uno strumento guida per dare consigli e messaggi in quel dato momento.
44 carte + Libro solo in Inglese Portoghese
This oracle is an inspiration, creativity and divine connection jewel, spreading ecstatic love through its 44 cards.
The cards are divided into specific groups. Within 4 main portals (Golden cards), 7 Feminine Goddess Energies open the path (Black cards).
Originating from this primordial cosmic womb, we find three sets of cards - 11 for the Sacred Feminine (Red Cards), 11 for the Sacred Masculine (White Cards) and 11 for the Sacred Union (Pink Cards).
The Sacred Feminine cards represent qualities of being, and they respond to the question: how is the moment asking me to be?
The Sacred Masculine Cards represent actions, answering the inquiry: what is the moment asking me to do?
The Sacred Union cards come as a sacred union purpose: what direction objective\ sacred child is the universe and my heart calling me to?
As a Sacred Sexuality Oracle, it is intended to be a SENSEFUL deck. In honor of the Sacred Prostitute ar-chetype, the 7 Goddess cards will bring, apart from the illustration (vision), a suggestion of essential oil (smell), of crystal (touch), of food (taste) and of music (hearing) for you to ritualize with them and feel their power.
44 cards+ Book English/Portuguese