Knights Templar Tarot
Floreana Nativo, Arte Franco Rivolli
Lo Scarabeo
Year of Issue
Instructions Language
IT - EN - ES - PT - RU
Cards number
carte cm 12 X6,6
gr. 240
List price
25.00 EUR
23.00 EUR
Tarocchi, Tarots
Ultimi Arrivi, New Releases
Storici, Historical
Quella dei Templari era una ricerca mistica, che portava dal piano materiale a quello spirituale. Ogni cavaliere Templare era sia un guerriero che un monaco. Il primo combatteva per proteggere i fedeli, il secondo studiava e pregava per addentrarsi piu' in profondita' nei misteri del Divino. I loro segreti non appartengono alle sabbie del tempo, ma piuttosto ai Tarocchi. Questo mazzo e' un viaggio allo stesso tempo simbolico e storico, pieno di riferimenti che solo l'intuizione puo' cogliere.
That of the Templars was a mystical quest, which led from material to spiritual plane. Each Knights Templar was both a warrior and a monk. The first fought to protect the faithful, the second studied and prayed to deepen the mysteries of the Divine. Their secrets do not belong to the sands of time, but to the Tarot. This deck is a symbolic and historical journey, full of references that only intuition can grasp.
Immagini & Testo - Copyright © 2022 Lo Scarabeo.
That of the Templars was a mystical quest, which led from material to spiritual plane. Each Knights Templar was both a warrior and a monk. The first fought to protect the faithful, the second studied and prayed to deepen the mysteries of the Divine. Their secrets do not belong to the sands of time, but to the Tarot. This deck is a symbolic and historical journey, full of references that only intuition can grasp.
Immagini & Testo - Copyright © 2022 Lo Scarabeo.